Chippewa County WI Genealogical Society
Meetings are held at the Area History Center located at 123 Allen St., Chippewa Falls, WI, at 10:00 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of the month, except in the months of June, July, August, and December. Snacks and coffee available.
In August of each year, members gather for an annual potluck picnic at Central Lutheran Church in Chippewa Falls on the fourth Monday of the month at 6pm.
Our meetings are open to the public and visitors are most welcome, the library doors will open at 9:00 a.m. Members and visitors are encouraged to come early to browse and do research prior to the meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. The library is open until 1:00 p.m. on meeting days.
November 22, 2014. Melinda Haun of the Community Foundation of Chippewa County explained how our CCGS funds work and the many others they manage throughout Chippewa County. Thanks for talking us through this Melinda.
January 24, 2015. Open at 9am, meeting at 10am. Election of Officers, these positions are open. President Roger Howard, Secretary Pat Hebert, and Director Marcy Ruff. Both Roger and Pat will not run again, we thank them for their service. Come on out and vote. Our program will be a discussion on brick walls, recent discoveries, or genealogical questions.
February 28, 2015. Open at 9am, meeting at 10. Anne Keller will share NGS, Heart of the North, and WSGS Convention experiences.
March 28, 2015. Open at 9am, meeting at 10am.